Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bug-inspired Single-Panel Comics By Bernie Paquette (Vol VII)

Comics by Bernie and Nature! 

Laugh and Learn
De-bugging insects

   Vermont single-panel comics. Captions by Bernie, images by nature. Sponsored by the Insect Alliance, Solidarity for All Life, and our highly valued Local Pollinators. These comics introduced the term "Inverting" which means invertebrate watching as birding is to bird watching. 

Inverting is being outside, observing, experiencing

 the multitude, the diversity, the daily going ons of LIFE.

No bones about it, I am an 'inverter'!

Let's recognize our bond with all living species.
Bug-inspired comic #147 Sept 14, 2024
"Wow, those Mosquito Dunks
are deadly even without coffee".
Photo: Eastern Treehole Mosquito Aedes triseriatus

EEEV (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. The primary EEEV vector is a swamp mosquito called the black-tailed mosquito (Culiseta melanura). It transmits the virus to birds or becomes infected by feeding infected birds in their swampland habitat. One of the most likely EEE vectors to people is the “cattail mosquito” (Coquilleta perturbans) which breeds in cattail marshes, but disease transmission can come from several other floodwater mosquito species that most commonly occur in coastal or swampy areas. (Reference: Virginia Dept of Health). Read more at the VT Dept of Health website. 

Read about the Black-tailed Mosquito Culiseta melanura here, the Cattail Mosquito Coquillettidia perturbans here,  the Asian Bush Mosquito Aedes japonicus here, and the Eastern Treehole Mosquito Aedes triseriatus here
Here's how to effectively kill mosquitos without harming pets, people, or other insects.
Mosquito dunks are an inexpensive product, a natural bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis) that kills aquatic mosquitos without killing other insects. Kills larvae that would otherwise then become adult mosquitos. Non-toxic to pets and humans. The product is available at local hardware stores.


Bug-inspired comic #146 Sept 7, 2024
We come from the earth; we return to the earth, and in between we garden.

See what is under the covers - from green to blue - a closer look is often rewarded -View the underside at Splendid Earth-boring Beetle Geotrupes splendidus

Bug-inspired comic #145 Aug 31, 2024
A penny for your thoughts
Well, the American penny is worth little. It is 97.5 percent zinc and only 2.5 percent copper. However, the American Copper butterfly is worth a visual pot of gold. 

*The penny was once composed mainly of copper, but since 1982 the United States Mint has made pennies from copper-plated zinc. View more photos of the American Copper (Lycaena hypophiaeas) here

Bug-inspired comic #144, Aug 24, 2024
One potato, two potato, three potato four.
Five potato, six potato, seven potato more. One potato, two potato, three potato, four.
I like mashed potato, can I have some more?
Read about the Colorado Potato Beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata here. View more photos of the Colorado Potato Beetle here

Bug-inspired comic #143, Aug 17, 2024
Eat a tomato at night
and you'll keep the unhappy gardener at bay
 improving your plight. 

View more Carolina Sphinx or Tobacco Horn Worm (Manduca sexta) here. Also, view the beautiful moth it becomes.
Read about them here. (Many interesting aspects to their various instar or life stages). 

Bug-inspired comic #142, Aug 10, 2024
Green with Envy
A California frog, green with envy flew to Vermont. 

Ladies and gentlemen, Vermont River High Airline welcomes you to Plainfield, VT. The local flood stage is at 99.9 feet

Upon exiting the frog wisely avoided all roads.

The California frog is now hanging on as best it can on the floodplains - Stuck in Vermont.

View more Green Frogs here
Read about them here.                                                             
Bug-inspired comic #141, Aug 3, 2024
Dogbane Leaf Beatle Days of Summer
It's so hot the Statue of Liberty was asked to lower her arms. 
Well, dogbane it,
I am keeping my appendages up
and my underparts aired out.

View more Dogbane Leaf Beetles here
Read about Dogbane Leaf Beetles here. 

Bug-inspired comic #140, July 27, 2024
Clearwing Sunscreen
 for the best protection under the sun
It's not working
I am 

View more Clearwings and Bee Hawkmoths here
Read about Hummingbird Clearwings here. 
Read about Snowberry Clearwings here. 

Bug-inspired comic #139, July 20, 2024

Look up - what do you see?

Blue dashers

looking at me

nothing but blue dashers 

that's what I see :)

(Quote by Susan Growmore)

View more
Blue Dashers (Pachydiplax longipennis) on iNaturalist here
Read about them on iNaturalist here. 

Continue Laughing and Learning with more Bug-Inspired Comics

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